sami in studio

Caroline, too long ago. 35mm, Eterna 500T.

Caffenol Recipe for Clubhouse gang

Hey analog gang! Here’s the recipe I use to develop in caffenol. If you’re interested in learning more or finding other recipes, you can always visit, where I found the Delta recipe I based my recipe on. **Things you'll need:** - Instant Coffee - Any brand, just NOT …

Louder. From the protests for black lives in NYC. HP5, 35mm

Lida by Light

In February I found myself in the good light and good fortune of Lida Ace, a painter, dancer, and overall source of good energy.

And Then I Cried

From my typewriter, from some time ago, typos and all.

Wimberly At Dusk

Exactly a year ago my friend Caroline and I took a walk from Brooklyn to Manhattan. We chatted about so many important things and about where we were in life. These portraits were taken during that walk. Shot on a Pentax 645. HP5 in XTOL.