Hey analog gang! Here’s the recipe I use to develop in caffenol. If you’re interested in learning more or finding other recipes, you can always visit www.caffenol.org, where I found the Delta recipe I based my recipe on.

**Things you'll need:**

- Instant Coffee - Any brand, just NOT DECAF

- Washing Soda - NOT BAKING Soda

- Vitamin C Powder - I recommend using the Vitamin Shoppe brand

- Table Salt - to avoid Fogging

- Water

**What to do:**

- Mix 150 ml (cc) of water with 6 rounded teaspoons (15 grams) of instant coffee.

- Separately, mix 200 ml (cc) of water with 4 leveled teaspoons (8 grams) of washing soda - washing soda tends to crystalize, so make sure it's well mixed and crush any crystals before mixing with coffee.

- Mix the 2 solutions together, now add your vitamin C.

- Add a teaspoon of table salt (or a little less, I always ayeball this) to avoid fogging.

- Mix and let solution stand for about 2-3 minutes.

**Developing Now**

Develop as usual. ISO 400 films should be deleoped for 9 minutes (sometimes I do 8 or 10). And that's it.